Financial Assistance
Seeking Financial Assistance for Mesothelioma Victims
Many of those who contact the Deaton Law Firm are overwhelmed with medical expenses and worried about providing financially for their loved ones. Many of our clients have worked diligently to provide for a happy, secure retirement. A sudden and unexpected diagnosis of Mesothelioma instantly changes these future plans.
The care and treatment of Mesothelioma can be overwhelmingly expensive. Even when assisted by private or government (Medicare) insurance, there can be significant out-of-pocket expenses related to the care and treatment of Mesothelioma. Certain medications or treatments may not be covered by certain insurance carriers.
Once diagnosed with Mesothelioma, many victims are unable to continue working and earning compensation. Household tasks, such as mowing the lawn, shoveling snow, general maintenance and upkeep, become exceedingly difficult and burdensome. Spouses and family members often miss time from work to assist loved ones diagnosed with Mesothelioma. The comfortable standard of living that victims of Mesothelioma are accustomed to pre-diagnosis quickly changes to constant worry and anxiety over financial burdens.
The Deaton Law Firm seeks to preserve the dignity and financial independence of our clients. Our dedicated lawyers can help you obtain the financial assistance needed to help pay for treatment and other medical expenses associated with Mesothelioma. Contact our firm to arrange a free consultation and case evaluation.
The Deaton Law Firm works diligently on behalf of Mesothelioma victims. We seek financial compensation for all damages related to Mesothelioma – injuries, lost income, pain and suffering, and medical expenses. We appreciate that time is critical. We act swiftly to assist our clients in receiving maximum compensation for their injuries.